Monday, June 28, 2010


Listening to Ravi Zacharias talk about Atheism. This quote he used really hit me:

First dentistry was painless, then bicycles were chainless, and carriages were horseless, and many laws enforceless. Next cookery was fireless, telegraphy was wireless, cigars were nicotineless, and coffee caffeineless. Soon oranges were seedless, the putting green was weedless, the college boy was hatless, the proper diet -- fatless. New motor roads are dustless, the latest steel is rustless, our tennis courts are sodless, our new religion -- Godless -Arthur Guiterman

Monday, June 7, 2010

my thorn

Every day of my life I get these reminders. It comes in a magazine, newspaper, news report, movie, article, conversation, or just in plain sight. And for three years, not one day has gone by without it coming to my attention. I keep wanting to escape, even for 24 hours to pass without thinking about.

Most of you know what I am talking about because it is so close to my heart and because of that I can't help but talk about it.

sex trafficking.

It's the nasty-not-so-hidden industry that has shown its ugly face across the entire world. The movement has started and people are becoming more aware of it and ministries are rising up to fight. I got to experience working in a major red light district in Thailand for a few months, and that has forever changed my life. I know that I have a calling. I've never been so burdened for anything.

I could talk on this topic for hours, explaining how the whole process works, analyzing the customers, giving advice for those who want to help, and even my opinion on how we can create a better system for rescuing. For now I will leave this article that I stumbled moved by the mentality of men and grieved for those trapped inside.